Are we a fit?

You’re dedicated to something outside of yourself.

Maybe you identify as any of the following

  • An entrepreneur bringing your business into the world

  • A therapist, Doctor, first-responder, bodyworker, or any helping professional compassionately caring for your patients

  • A leader caring about the performance and well being of your employees or team members

  • A lawyer representing your clients to serve justice

  • An athlete (professional or recreational) wanting to succeed in your sport

  • An artist dedicated to creating beauty

  • A parent giving your patient, caring, heart to your family and children

You’re selflessly showing up in service of some kind.

You take on the stress of your work because it is meaningful to you. It’s the most generous act.

You care about the world and you deserve support and thanks for your efforts!

You’re also connected to deeper parts within yourself.

It’s not enough to get the job done at the expense of how you feel.

You want to give yourself to your work without yourself in the process.

It’s not enough to develop the body at the expense of the mind or spirit.

You want to accomplish your goals and be proud of who you are at the finish line.

You want a practice that may change how you look in the mirror but it is primarily focused on how you feel in your body.

You want a practice for a way of being, not just a way of looking.

We share some interests.

Maybe you’re like me. You’re a bit of a self development junkie.

You love a good podcast about holistic health, lifestyle design, relationships, performance, mindfulness, or anything that brings insight to your potential.

You’re passionate about new therapies, protocols, and self-care practices. Not always because something is wrong but because you love to grow.

Your dream vacation involves a good hike, surf, or some other call to adventure.

You love a great farm to table restaurant or a beautiful coffee shop to dive into a good book.

Your dream training space feels more like a Zen dojo rather than a Gold’s gym.

Maybe you also love the work of:

Dr. Gabor Mate, George Mumford, Tim Ferris, Dan Harris, Sam Harris, Martha Beck, Boyd Varty, John J. Ratey, MD., Phil Jackson, Jared Diamond, Viktor E. Frankl, Elizabeth Gilbert, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Guy Voyer, Yvon Chouinard, Peter Levine, Brad Stulberg, Paul Chek, Tara Brach, Steven Pressfield, Jack Kornfield, Stephen Porges, Steve Magness, Gray Cook, Eckhartt Tolle, or Rick Rubin.